Copyeditor and proofreader of 
fiction, Christian nonfiction,
and devotionals.

My Services

Line editor preparing to offer suggestions on work.

Line Editing

A line edit is focused on how you tell the story. Is this character’s voice well developed? Is this the best or most original way you can describe this setting? Is this the right word or phrase here or only an almost right one?

A line edit gives you the best of both worlds—developing and honing both your voice and the voice of your characters and narrator while also correcting blatantly incorrect grammar. This is a deep dive into how you and your characters use words and seeks ways of improving the word choices and truly making your story shine.

Cost: US$0.025 per word.

A red pen lies on a corrected manuscript.


This focuses on the three Cs: Correctness, Clarity, and Consistency. Correctness seeks to correct punctuation, word usage, grammar, and spelling errors (affectionately known as PUGS in editing circles). Clarity seeks to make sure that the sentences and paragraphs clearly convey what you want them to and, if they don’t, seeks to find a way to clarify it without losing the author’s voice. Consistency is ensuring that the details of the story are consistent throughout both the story and the individual scenes.

A copyedit differs from a line edit in that a line edit takes a deep dive into the individual word choices and seeks for places where the prose can be improved. A copyedit is focused on the mechanics and correct use of English. A line edit seeks to improve your overall style while a copyedit seeks to have your manuscript free from errors.

Cost: US$0.02 (two cents) per word.

Finished books stand with their spines touching.


The final check before publishing, a proofread seeks to remove any errors that were missed in the previous stages of editing. This will correct spelling and punctuation errors but will not clarify confusing sentences or ensure that details are consistent throughout the story or scene. Every manuscript should be thoroughly proofread prior to publishing.

Cost: US$0.015 (one cent) per word.

A person draws a book from a shelf.

Back-Cover-Copy Writing and Editing

Also known as the book description, the back-cover copy lets potential readers know what the story is about and whether they will want to read it. You can select between having the back-cover copy written for you or receiving feedback on an existing book description to maximize its potential. Once you are happy with the back-cover copy, it will be thoroughly proofread. This service can be paired with line editing, copyediting, or proofreading of the manuscript. Currently only available for fiction.

Cost: US$25 per hour (contact me for a more accurate quote).

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